A school of Music TA teaching a class.

Our Music Technology Programs

Our Music Technology Programs

We are one of the few schools in North America that offers Music Technology as a major in undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. levels of study. Each level builds upon the next, allowing for a unique blend of academic study and innovative research opportunities.

Our Bachelor of Science in Music Technology degree teaches students how to combine their love of music with technology in a number of different technical disciplines, including engineering, computing, and sciences. 

Our Master of Science in Music Technology gives students the ability to explore music from Georgia Tech's unique technological perspective. Here, we design software that breaks down music into its individual pieces and puts it back together again so we can better understand it. 

Our Ph. D. program goes even deeper into these topics. Students work alongside our renowned faculty to create the next great ideas in music. Our Doctoral students become creators, teachers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders for the music of tomorrow.

Students work on wooden project

Bachelor of Science in Music Technology

Student plays guitar

Master of Science in Music Technology

Student plays the Theremin while wearing an EEG cap

Ph.D. in Music Technology

Other Academic Opportunities

Dual Degree Program

Current exceptional undergraduate students can advance their academics by pursuing the Dual Bachelors/Masters degree program.

Bachelor of Science in Computational Media

The Bachelor of Science in Computational Media allows students to combine studies of computing, communications, and music technology.


The majority of our ensembles are also classes open for any student at Georgia Tech to join, regardless of major.

Academic Support

Headshot of Chris Moore

Chris Moore

Director of Undergraduate Programs

Headshot of Erin Jackson

Erin Jackson

Academic Advisor II

Headshot of Nat Condit-Schultz

Nat Condit-Schultz

Director of Graduate Programs

Students working together with a Moog kit.

Assistantships, Fellowships, & Scholarships

School of Music & External Aid

The School of Music awards a small number of scholarships and fellowships each year to Bachelor of Science in Music Technology (BSMT) and Master of Science in Music Technology (MSMT) students to reduce the cost of attendance. Learn more about these opportunities.

Learn More

Our B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. music technology students don’t just use technology to make music. They invent the next generation of technologies that will revolutionize the music industry. Learn more about the blend of creative and technical work at the Georgia Tech School of Music.