Student playing on an upright piano in a practice room.

Practice Room Rentals

Practice Room Rentals

All undergraduate and graduate students from any major can purchase access to the School of Music practice rooms. 

General Information

There are two practice room spaces available for use: Couch 104 and Couch 206. 104 is a practice room suite with seven individual Wenger sound-isolation practice rooms. 206 is a classroom for larger group/chamber ensemble practice.

Here is a list of instruments located in each room:

  • 104A: Roland TD-17 electronic drumset
  • 104B: Kawai CA501 digital piano
  • 104C: Kawai CA501 digital piano
  • 104D: Kawai CA48 digital piano
  • 104E: Kawai CA95 digital piano
  • 104F: Empty (instrumental)
  • 104G: Empty (instrumental)
  • 206: Large Ensemble room (upright piano, acoustic drumset)

Practice room access is purchased on a semester basis. Access terminates each semester after final exams and must be re-purchased the following semester.

Payment Information

Practice room access is $30 per semester. Following payment, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to reserve practice rooms in advance via the School of Music TeamUp calendar. You may also practice in any room that is unoccupied without making a reservation.

Please note, it may take 2-3 business days to receive Buzzcard access after your purchase.

You must re-purchase practice room access each semester.

Reserving Your Room

Following payment, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to the School of Music TeamUp calendar. You can reserve practice rooms in advance using this calendar by clicking the date and time you would like to reserve on the appropriate room calendar located on the left side.

Each individual room in 104 has its own TeamUp calendar (104A – 104G). Be sure you are reserving space in the correct room!

  • Please list your FULL NAME on the reservation. If there will be multiple people practicing in the room with you, be sure to list every student’s name on the reservation.
  • Every person who is using the room should have Buzzcard access.
  • Do not let anyone into the Couch Building or a Practice Room who does not have Buzzcard access.
  • Practice room reservations will run on a monthly basis. You will be able to book your reservations for the month beginning on the first of that month.
  • DO NOT reserve rooms for more than one hour at a time.
  • DO NOT reserve multiple rooms during the same timeslot.
  • If you have made a reservation and the room is occupied, kindly state that you have a reservation to use the room. If you are using a practice room without a reservation and someone with a reservation arrives, you must allow them to use the room.
  • If you have made a reservation for a practice room but wish to delete it or modify it and cannot, please send an email to and we will delete it for you.
  • We reserve the right to cancel reservations that violate our policies. You will receive an email if your reservation has been deleted.


  • Clean up after yourself. Dispose of all trash and remove all of your personal items at the end of the your reservation. Any lost and found items will be held in the Couch 109 Admin Suite.
  • Make sure all doors are fully closed behind you.
  • If you move any chairs/stands around, please return them to their original spaces. Each practice room in 104 should have one chair and one stand.
  • Treat our equipment and facilities with respect.
  • DO NOT let anyone into the Couch building if they do not have Buzzcard access. No one should be in the building after hours unless they have been given access via their Buzzcard.

For any technical issues with purchasing access via the website, please contact For all other inquiries, please email


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